Umami Burger Greenbird

We were a party of four out and about in Downtown Los Angeles arts district and we were actually gonna go for sausages at Würstkuche next door, but it was a huge line out through the doors and one person in the company wasn’t in the right mood for it so we crossed the street and headed over to Umami Burger instead.

Umami Burger

We got seated right away and was greeted by a nice gentleman. I’ve been to Umami Burger before at different locations but I always like to say it’s my first time at a restaurant even though I’ve been there before, just to hear the waiting staff go through their whole routine. This guy knew what he was doing. We had a gluten free person in our party and even though when put on the spot, he wasn’t able to tell right away what was gluten free or not, he was able to point in the right direction and headed over to the kitchen to confirm. Very accommodating!

Umami Burger

I wanted to get the Black Bean burger but with no cilantro. I can’t stand cilantro. Our waiter said they could make it without any added cilantro, but there’s already cilantro in the pre made patty. Screw that, I went with the turkey burger.

We got served a little tray with 4 dipping sauces for the table and not long after, our burgers arrived. The dipping sauces were all home made and gluten free. Ketchup, garlic aioli, ranch (also wit garlic), and some very spicy red sauce.

Umami Burger

The burgers arrived semi de-composed with a U emblem burned into the bun, I think that’s a nice touch and really cool! The bun itself thought was a little dense and spongy, not to the point that it was annoying, but definitely noticeable when poking it.

Umami Burger

The burger overall had a good flavor and a nice heat to it but it was a little messy to eat, I also don’t fully understand the whole sprouts thing. A lot of restaurants likes to add sprouts to veggie and turkey burgers and I always get a little put off by it. I find them flavorless and they just act like fillers.

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Umami Burger Greenbird

Umami Burger Greenbird


6.0 /10


8.0 /10


9.0 /10


7.5 /10


10.0 /10

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