Pappy & Harriets Veggie Burger

I took my parents for a drive through the Joshua Tree National Park and a friend told me to stop by Pappy & Harriets in Pioneertown for lunch. I had no idea what I was up for, but it turned out great. My dad got to drink a beer out of a mason jar and he was stoked!

Pappy & Harriets

There was bunch of stuff on the menu, but my choice was easy. I ordered a veggie burger with fries and a side of mayo, and a glass of water since I was the designated driver.

Pappy and Harriets

It didn’t take to long for our food to arrive, but long enough for my dad to finish a beer and me to use the rest room.

Pappy and Harriets

When I came out from the restroom my burger was waiting for me, but no mayo. Everyone always forget my mayo. The first server to remember my mayo will get an extra star!
The presentation was a little boring, but ok. There’s not much you can do with burgers and fries.
I really liked the glaze on the bun. The burger was good, not amazing, but good. There was something missing, it need some extra love. I would have this burger again but will probably try something else off the menu next time.

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Pappy & Harriets Veggie Burger

Pappy & Harriets Veggie Burger


8.0 /10


8.0 /10


7.5 /10


7.0 /10


8.5 /10

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