Monty’s Chocolate Shake

I was really hungry when I went to Monty’s Good Burger for lunch and I finished the shake before my vegan burger arrived.

The texture was excellent, very thick and creamy, I ended up eating the shake with a spoon. The chocolate flavor was good, but it was way to sweet for my taste. The sweetness took over towards the end I could taste the sweetness in my mouth for quite a while after I finished my shake.

Monty's Chocolate Shake Close-up

I’ve been trying to find an official ingredient list, but all their website says is “100% Plant-Based Shakes are made with OATLY’S Delicious and Amazingly CREAMY Vanilla Soft Serve.” Hopefully I’ll be able to update with a list later on.

Monty’s also state on their website that they strive to sensibly source ingredients and use only compostable serving products. So that’s good, but it is a fast food restaurant, and did they really have to put the lid on, and give me both a straw and a spoon?

The price for this Vegan Chocolate Shake was $7.50, which seems to be slightly above average for what a shake goes for in the area.

Worth noting is also; I think it usually comes out in a little nicer presentation  with the chocolate syrup swirled artistically around the cup, but the waitress kind of fumbled and dropped my shake on the table instead of nicely putting it down. She felt really bad about it and I am not gonna hold that against her.

Monty's Chocolate Shake

Monty's Chocolate Shake


10.0 /10


7.0 /10


5.0 /10

Ecological Footprint

5.0 /10


6.5 /10

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