Groomer’s Grill Veggie Burger

Was up in Big Bear for a day of skiing, with the rest of, like everyone in LA.
We couldn’t decide if we wanted to eat lunch at the mountain or just have a snack, save out cash and eat proper when we got back to Los Angeles. We settled on eating lunch on the mountain, which was a good thing cause it took us 6 hours to drive back.
I wanted a burger from one of the outdoor grills on the patio, but it was a little chill outside, and the lines were also to long for my liking so I went inside and had a veggie burger from Groomer’s Grill.

Veggie Burger

The line was a little confusing, but I eventually figured it out, I ordered and payed in one window and picked up my burger from the second window.
I waited around for a bit, a tiny lady in the second window shouted NEXT! and I had my veggie burger within a minute. De-asambled, thrown together on a paper tray.


I was pretty hungry and excited cause the veggie burger I had at Snow Summit a while ago was rather delicious. This one was not as good though. It was super dry even though I put a bunch of mayo on it, the patty was dry, crispy and overcooked, what a shame.

My friends fries were amazing!

Groomer's Grill Veggie Burger

Groomer's Grill Veggie Burger


7.5 /10


4.0 /10


7.0 /10


3.5 /10


3.5 /10

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