Drift Woods BBQ Veggie Burger

It was a beautiful day, I went skiing in Snow Summit and had Drift Woods BBQ’s Veggie Burger for lunch. There was a mother with two teenage kids in front of me in line and the mother was noticeably annoyed with the kids not being able to make up their minds of what they wanted to eat for lunch. They eventually made up their minds and two seconds later they both had a de-assambled pre-cooked chicken sandwich in their hands.

Drift Woods BBQ

I was up next and was hoping my veggie patty was not pre-cooked, but this is still Los Angeles territory and there’s no discriminations against vegetarians so it took the gentleman two seconds to put together my veggie burger on the little paper tray. It came with lettuce, tomatoes, red onions and a couple of pickles. You could add ketchup, mustard and mayo, cafeteria style, I added mayo, because I like mayo.

Drift Woods BBQ

The bun was toasted and maybe been sitting out in the sun a little to long so it was a little dry, but still pretty soft on the inside. I  thought it tasted good. My friend thought it was dry. The patty was obviously previously frozen and a little bland, maybe they could’ve put some spices on there when they grilled it. I thought this was well presented for what it is. I have worked in a hamburger stand at a ski resort in my youth and what we used to slam together does not even come close to this. It is a little unfortunate that the first review on this site is of a cafeteria style veggie burger, but this was still good. I ordered a veggie burger and I got a veggie burger. No fuzz.

This burger was flavorless overall, and then the onion taste takes over.

I will eat this burger again, it did it’s job. Service was quick, I could have my burger, eat it and go back out to ski within 10 minutes.

Get yours here:

Drift Woods BBQ Veggie Burger

Drift Woods BBQ Veggie Burger


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